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Why Our Client Switched to Vervotech from Other Product in the market?

    One of our clients switched from other solutions to our Hotel and Room Mapping products. The client shared what drove this decision, and how our solutions increased hotel and room mapping coverage from 85% to 96% within a week.

    Challenges Our Client Faced:

    • Poor UI and user experience.
    • Inaccurate mappings. Data accuracy experienced was less than 90%.
    • No insights on bad mapping data/Unmapped data.
    • No functionality to support self-service accessibility.
    • No transparent pricing.
    • Frequent disconnections and timeouts in API calls. Hence the uptime was less than 80%.
    • Poor data access speed.
    • Single API for all mapping data.
    • Ticket resolves time > 48 hours
    • Poor tech support.
    • No consulting on how to use the mapping data effectively.

    Value Delivered By Vervotech

    100% ownership of the products on offer, we subscribe to only one school of growth: that’s mutual growth.

    All the processes are 100% transparent; we hide no data from our customers.

    We innovate at our own cost, and when we succeed, our customers enjoy the trickle-down benefits of innovations.

    Transparent pricing.

    Download This Case Study to Find Out:

    How our client’s reduced average time of adding a new supplier to content system by 33%.

    How our client reduced revenue loss due to bad bookings to $4,000 from $26,000 within a week.

    After the integration of Vervotech Hotel Mapping, we saw significant growth in the amount of accurate data available on our portal, it helped our customers make swift booking decisions, which eventually translated into our growth numbers.

    Director of Products - A global Travel Management Company

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