Extranet Mapping
Get your directly contracted hotels mapped with your existing suppliers or travel partners to sell accommodations at the best rates in the market. Now maximize your revenue potential with Extranet Mapping by becoming your own supplier, cutting down on commissions and making the most out of your self-contracted inventory.

Easily upload your self-contracted inventory through our self-service FTP client. We will add you as a supplier in our system with confidential keys only available to you to map your inventory with all your existing suppliers.
Accommodation mapping with any travel partner
Get flexibility to map your exclusive hotels, and travel partners, who are not suppliers. Extranet Mapping will treat all your partners as unique suppliers to map your accommodation data with your other providers.
Key Features
Easy Integration
Our user-friendly mapping platform makes it easy for you to upload and map your directly contracted hotels with existing suppliers with a live progress view.
Offer Unbeatable Rates
By eliminating intermediary fees, you can offer the best prices to your customers and increase your profit margins.
Increase Positive Word of Mouth
Attract more customers by offering flash deals, claiming the best rates with authority to increase positive word of mouth and market penetration.
Ready To Get Started?
Extranet Mapping can help you get more business with better margins. And prepare the ground for you to capture more market share, increase your net revenue, and exceed your customers’ expectations with highly competitive rates.